does my child need braces orthodontics Perth dentist Claremont dental

Does my child need braces?

Little Sally’s first adult tooth comes through. It’s wonky! Don’t panic though, it may be far too early to know more...

top toothbrushing app kids toothbrushing dentist Perth Claremont dental

Top free toothbrushing apps for kids

Toothbrushing apps can really help to keep kids motivated about brushing, as well as helping to make sure they are more...

grinding teeth children dentist Perth dentist Claremont

Why does my child grind their teeth?

Bruxism (or grinding teeth) can affect both children and adults. For most people, grinding occurs at night during sleep, and more...

dentist Claremont dentist Perth dental myths explained

Common dental myths explained!

‘I had my teeth cleaned and the dentist damaged them!’ ‘Before I went to the dentist my teeth felt fine!’ more...

how to get your kids to love brushing their teeth Claremont dentist Perth dentist

How to get your kids to love brushing their teeth

It’s the bugbear of many a parent! Be it toddlers, children or even teenagers… many just don’t seem to want more...

mother child dentistry for kids Perth dentist Claremont dentist

Can you help your child have healthy teeth?

The answer in short, is YES, you can! Kids learn by watching the example of adults, caregivers and parents. A more...

pregnancy dental tips pre-pregnancy dentist Claremont Perth dentist

Pre-pregnancy dental tips: Is it safe to go to the dentist when pregnant?

Is it safe to have dental treatment whilst pregnant? Do you need to tell your dentist if you are thinking more...

dentist Perth Claremont dental x-rays cosmetic dentistry Invisalign

Are dental x-rays dangerous?

The need for dental x-rays has always been an issue for some patients. Recently I was told by a patient more...

Oral B Genius 9000 electric toothbrush review dentist Perth Claremont dental

Oral-B Genius 9000 Electric Toothbrush Review

The latest toothbrush from Oral-B is the Genius 9000. It retails for around $300. I was pretty excited to purchase more...

electric toothbrush vs. manual toothbrush should i get an electric toothbrush

Do electric toothbrushes clean your teeth better?

Electric toothbrushes vs. Manual toothbrushes… which is better? Are electric toothbrushes worth the money? Can you clean your teeth just more...

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