mother child dentistry for kids Perth dentist Claremont dentist

Can you help your child have healthy teeth?

The answer in short, is YES, you can! Kids learn by watching the example of adults, caregivers and parents.

A study published in the Community Dental Health Journal found that children whose mothers attended the dentist more regularly had better oral health!

Parents who brushed their teeth more frequently also had children who brushed their teeth more frequently!

In other words, your behaviours, knowledge and attitude towards dental health will influence that of your children!

So, if you want your kids to have healthy teeth, try to set them a good example of oral care, frequent dental visits and emphasis on the importance of oral health!

Here’s some tips you might find handy:

  1. Regular 6 monthly attendance to the dentist for the whole family
  2. Twice daily toothbrushing, making brushing before bed part of the bed-time routine
  3. Explanation and education on why looking after your teeth is important
  4. Dietary control of sugary foods and drinks, and trying to avoid snacking on sugary foods in between meals

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