keeping your smile white on a budget Claremont dentist Claremont dental clinic

Keeping your smile white on a budget

Having whiter teeth doesn’t have to be a huge expense. There are a few simple and inexpensive insider tips from our Claremont dentists that can help you achieve whiter teeth without breaking the bank. If your teeth are getting darker or discoloured, we do always recommend you speak to a dental professional to find out if there is some other cause for it. It’s also strongly recommended to make sure your teeth are healthy before you embark on any tooth whitening treatments.

Here’s our top 3 dentist insider tips on how to keep your smile white on a budget:

  1. If you’re a tea, coffee or red wine drinker, consider drinking through a straw to minimise stain collecting on the external surfaces of your teeth. Staining can make your teeth look discoloured and a lot darker than they really are.
  2. Switch to an electric toothbrush if you haven’t already. Even a basic model rechargeable one can help to reduce staining and make your pearly whites shine brighter. Another budget friendly tip is to look out for half prices sales on electric toothbrushes online or even at your local supermarkets.
  3. Try dentist recommended DIY tooth whitening. By far the most affordable teeth whitening method we recommend is the Pola Light. It consists of a mouthpiece with an in built LED light, and 4 syringes of high percentage tooth whitening gel (the highest strength that dentists can sell). We currently have these kits on sale for $189 at our Claremont dental clinic. To find out more about this product, and also read our Claremont dentists’ review of this product, click here.

Lastly, if you’ve tried all these things and you still would like your teeth to be whiter, discuss this with your dentist. Set a budget of what you can spend on your teeth, and your dentist can let you know what options fit within that budget.

Still have any questions on how to keep your smile white? Speak to our Claremont dental team on 6143 5655 or book a consultation online here.

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