is invisalign for me dentist Claremont dental clinic Perth

Will Invisalign work for me?

When Invisalign pioneered the very first clear aligner for straightening teeth in 1999, it truly disrupted the dental industry. Previous to clear aligner therapy, the only way to straighten teeth was with removable metal appliances or with conventional braces. Needless to say, Invisalign took off, and now over 7 million people have had Invisalign treatment.

I find that most patients have heard of Invisalign, or know someone who has had it done. There is even DIY clear aligner treatment available, you can read more about what I think about it here. But does Invisalign work and is it for you?

I’ve compiled this quick checklist to give you some pointers. Of course, we still recommend you visit a certified Invisalign provider before proceeding. You can book online here for a complimentary consultation with our certified Invisalign providers at our Claremont dental practice.

Checklist – Will Invisalign work for you?

  1. Do you have healthy teeth, and have received a clean bill of health from your dentist in the last 6 months? Particular emphasis is on having healthy gums, as this is a definite pre-requisite before starting teeth straightening.
  2. Do you have crooked teeth? Invisalign is a great way to straighten your teeth without it being apparent to others around you. Invisalign is the best way to straighten your teeth with minimal disruption to your lifestyle.
  3. Do you have gapped teeth? Spaces between teeth can be easily resolved with Invisalign treatment.
  4. Have you had braces before, but had your teeth got crooked again? If so, you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign. We have had a vast majority of our Invisalign patients in this situation, because who wants to have braces again!?

Checklist – Situations where Invisalign may not work for you

  1. If you have a noticeable and prominent jaw discrepancy. E.g. Your upper jaw is much further forward than your lower jaw, or your lower jaw is much further forward than your upper jaw. Depending on the degree of severity, Invisalign may not be the best treatment option for you. It would be worth going for a consultation to find out more information.
  2. If your teeth are extremely crowded, it is possible you might not be the best candidate for Invisalign. Again, these decisions need to be made on a case by case basis.

Our recommendation to anyone who is thinking of straightening their teeth with Invisalign, is to see a certified provider for more information. Consultations are complimentary at our Claremont dental practice, so call us now on 6143 5655 or book online here.

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