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Why I haven’t quit being a dentist (yet)

“No offence, but I really don’t like the dentist. Oh, not you personally. I mean having things done..’

I can’t tell you how many dental visits have started off like this. Admittedly, it can be easy to take it personally. But for those with dental fear and anxiety, even stepping into a dental practice can be a big step.

Another common response is, ‘You’re not going to hurt me, are you?’ *Cue nervous laughter from the patient*

The one that takes the cake, has to be the time I met a friend of my then house-mate. (This was a longggg time ago, when I had just started my very first job and moved out of home). This particular person was visiting my house-mate at our house. We were introduced, and my house-mate pointed out that I was a dentist. Her response to this still confuses me to this day. She looked at me as if I had 3 heads, recoiled and said, ‘I hate dentists!’. Not even a polite hello, she had to let me know that she hated me.

Well, fortunately now I’m quite used to this response, but at the time I was dumb-founded and didn’t really know what to say. The thing is, we don’t hate patients. Ok, well that’s a bit of a lie. Some patients are rather challenging. But I guess I would be out of a job if I said I hated patients!

This is what I try to let my patients know:

  1. I don’t want to hurt you. Yes, that’s right, we don’t actually get happy by hurting others!!!! 
  2. I don’t give you needles because we want to, it’s to make the actual procedure more comfortable for you.
  3. I don’t like pulling out your teeth, I’d much prefer I didn’t have to do this please.
  4. I also would prefer not to have to do this filling on you either. 
  5. No, the cost of your treatment is not funding my Ferrari. I have a Hyundai.
  6. I want to get to know you and work with you to manage your fears and anxiety, and talk to you about what we can do to help manage it.
  7. I want to establish a trusting relationship with you so that you will feel more comfortable.
  8. I don’t want your teeth and mouth to suffer because of your dental anxiety
  9. I actually want to help you!

So what has kept me still being a dentist even though we are so hated?

One thing that trumps all the negatives, and that is working with an anxious, nervous patient, and watching them slowly establish trust, and finding they are no longer anxious at the dentist. And they no longer hate me. I think that’s a win-win!

Do you want to change how you view dental treatment? Speak to our friendly team at Dental Quarters, a Perth dental practice that isn’t like your usual dentist! Call us on 6143 5655 or click here to book online.

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