is teeth whitening for me Claremont dental clinic Perth dentist

Who is teeth whitening for?

Teeth whitening is an easy and affordable way to get your smile whiter and brighter. Teeth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic procedures that we do at our Claremont dental clinic. If you’ve considered doing teeth whitening yourself, but weren’t sure if you would be a good candidate, read on.

Who is teeth whitening for:

  1. Those that would like to have their natural teeth made whiter and brighter.
  2. Those that are considering doing further cosmetic treatment such as veneers or crowns. That way the crowns or veneers can be made lighter to match the colour of your other natural teeth.
  3. Those celebrating a big life event such as a ball, formal event or wedding.
  4. Smokers or others with stained teeth who would like to improve their smiles. It is important to note that continued smoking can stain teeth and also affect the outcome of whitening. As always, we recommend quitting smoking to reduce the risk of oral cancer and other cancers also.
  5. Those who are getting new partial dentures made. Teeth whitening for those with dentures will not affect the colour of denture teeth, but it can be used to whiten any natural teeth you may still have. This can be a good idea especially if you are planning to get a new denture made. That way the teeth on the new denture can be matched to the newly lightened shade of your natural teeth.

Who is teeth whitening not recommended for:

  1. Women who are pregnant or lactating. Teeth whitening when pregnant and/or breastfeeding is not recommended.
  2. Children under the age of 16.
  3. Those with darkened teeth due to Tetracycline medication. Unfortunately teeth whitening will not work to whiten teeth with this condition, and you will need to consider other treatment options.
  4. Those with any resorption lesions affecting their teeth. If you know that you have these, it is not recommended to do teeth whitening as it could make these lesions worse.
  5. People with full dentures. Teeth whitening cannot change the colour of denture teeth. You will need to get new dentures made.
  6. People who have crowns and veneers covering all of their front teeth. Teeth whitening cannot change the shade of crowns or veneers. You will need the crowns or veneers removed, and new ones made in a lighter shade.

If you still have any further questions about teeth whitening, feel free to speak to any of our friendly team members at our Claremont dental clinic on 6143 5655 or book online to have a consultation with one of our Australian trained dentists.

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