how to stop your teeth breaking down Perth cosmetic dentistry Claremont dental clinic

What do do if your teeth keep breaking down

Are you sick of constantly having fillings fall out or teeth breaking? Unfortunately this is a common problem, especially in those who have had to have numerous fillings done in the past. This problem is not only frustrating, it can also be expensive due to the ongoing costs of always having to have things fixed up.

So what can you do to prevent this expensive cycle? In this blog post, I’d like to share our top 3 tips on what you can do to stop this cycle.

First and foremost, I would always recommend that you seek a professional opinion from a trusted dental health professional. Before any solutions can be discussed, it is pertinent to find out the cause of why your teeth are breaking down. Having a dental checkup or consultation with your dentist can help to ascertain the cause, and therefore a solution that is going to help you.

The most common causes of teeth constantly breaking down are:

  1. Fillings are too large, and there isn’t enough tooth structure for them to last long enough.
  2. Tooth grinding or clenching is resulting in excessive bite forces and so fillings and teeth suffer from mechanical breakdown
  3. Lack of back teeth to chew on results in too much biting force on remaining teeth, resulting in mechanical breakdown

Here are some solutions to prevent this tooth breakdown cycle:

  1. If your fillings are too large, you may want to discuss some stronger options that are going to last you longer. If fillings keep falling out or breaking, then obviously this solution isn’t going to be successful for you in the long term. It could end up costing you less to go for a stronger option that will last you longer, rather than having to have fillings replaced all the time. You may want to discuss whether a crown or porcelain filling could be an option for your teeth that will stand the test of time. You can read more about crowns and porcelain fillings here. You may even qualify for same day crowns, which are prepared and fitted on the same day, saving you time!
  2. Grinding and clenching your teeth can often be a subconscious, nocturnal habit, so you may not always be aware that you are doing this. Unfortunately this habit can cause serious damage to your teeth. It can cause your teeth to wear down, become sensitive and look too short and unaesthetic. Over time, it can also contribute to damage to your teeth, including cracks, fillings falling out more often and even exposing the nerve of the teeth in severe cases. If you suspect you could be grinding or clenching your teeth, speak to your dental health professional to see if there are any signs of tooth wear or breakdown in your mouth. If this is occurring, you could consider wearing a night guard to help prevent the damage to your teeth. You could even consider muscle relaxant injections if you have over-active jaw muscles.
  3. Having missing teeth can be both an aesthetic and functional problem. Having fewer teeth (especially back teeth), results in a reduction in chewing ability. As a result of this, the remaining teeth have to compensate for this, and often can bear the brunt of it. Fillings falling out regularly and teeth cracking or breaking often can be a side effect of having missing teeth. To prevent future and more complex issues, it could be helpful to discuss options to replace your missing teeth. Not only will this help to prevent the cycle of breakage continuing, it will also help to prevent future breakages and more complex problems occurring. You may want to discuss with your dentist if dental implants, dental bridges or even dentures could help restore your chewing function and prevent your remaining teeth from breaking down.

Do you have any more questions about the cycle of tooth breakdown? If so, you can always speak to our friendly Claremont dental team on 6143 5655. We also have online bookings available 24/7, simply click here to book a consultation with our experienced Claremont dentists.




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