6 things you must have for a beautiful smile dentist Claremont cosmetic dentist Perth Claremont dental

Top 6 things you must have for a beautiful smile

It’s often said that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, but when it comes to smile aesthetics, this is actually a subject which hasĀ  been studied in great detail for many years by those in the dental industry. Dentistry is often described as a mixture of art and science, and the science behind smile design and aesthetics is no exception. We have broken it down into 6 basic attributes that all beautiful smiles must have.

Here are the top 6 things to look for to achieve a beautiful smile:

  1. Beautiful tooth colour. The colour of your teeth is vital to achieving a beautiful smile. Darker teeth are associated with ageing, whilst lighter teeth are associated with youth. Our best rule of thumb to achieving a natural, yet beautiful result is to match the colour of your teeth to the whites of your eyes. Teeth whitening is an effective way of changing and beautifying teeth by making them look whiter and brighter.
  2. Beautiful gums. An important part of an aesthetic smile is the amount of gum which is seen when you smile. There is a specific proportion that should be showing to achieve the best aesthetics. If too much gum is on display, this can be fixed by gum lengthening treatments or muscle relaxants.
  3. Beautiful lips. The lips frame our smiles, so it’s important we also think about the lips. As we age, our lips get thinner, and plumper lips tend to be associated with youthfulness. Considerate use of lip fillers can help to restore lip volume and help to achieve a beautiful smile.
  4. Beautiful tooth alignment. Straight teeth reflect light more and therefore appear whiter and brighter. Straight teeth are also easier to keep clean, meaning there is less plaque and tartar deposits as well as staining collecting on them. Clear aligners such as Invisalign making teeth straightening a breeze as they don’t interfere with your lifestyle and are almost invisible to others around you.
  5. Beautiful tooth shape. As we get older, our teeth get used more and tend to become worn down. Worn, flat ended teeth are associated with ageing, whilst youthful teeth are longer and rounded in shape. Worn teeth can be treated by cosmetic dental treatment such as dental veneers, which helps to give back the lost tooth shape.
  6. Beautiful tooth symmetry. Our eyes tend to desire symmetry, and smiles are no different. Keeping your dental midline coincident with your facial midline helps to promote a beautiful smile. If this isn’t the case for you, it can be corrected with clear aligners or with dental veneers.

As always, smiles are unique to the individual who they belong to. At our Claremont dental practice, we strive to focus on each individual smile to create a bespoke smile that is in harmony with a client’s facial features.

If you would like to discuss this in more detail, contact our friendly Claremont dental team on 6143 5655 or book online here.

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