top 5 cosmetic dentistry faqs dentist Claremont Perth dental clinic

Top 5 FAQ about Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a term used to describe any dental treatment that is performed to improve the appearance of the teeth or smile. It is one of the most sought-after types of treatment that we perform at our Claremont dental practice. Studies have shown that our smiles are one of the first things we and others notice. Many people who dislike their smiles feel self-conscious or lacking in confidence. This is one of the main reasons many of our patients come to us to transform their smiles.

In this blog post, I’d like to answer some of the most commonly asked questions by our patients regarding cosmetic dental treatnents. Hopefully this may answer some questions you have, and help you in the journey to achieving a smile you love.

  1. Isn’t cosmetic dentistry really expensive? Yes, some treatments can certainly be expensive depending on their complexity and the time required. This is why we strongly encourage open discussion with our patients regarding their concerns, treatment expectations and budget. We believe that discussing cost is highly important so that we can discuss options that are going to suit all budgets. One of the most affordable cosmetic dentistry treatments we do is teeth whitening. The price ranges from $499-$899, depending on which options and time frame you choose. Invisalign clear aligners are a very popular option for those with crooked teeth. This treatment ranges from $4999 to $8499. As you can see, cost is variable on a case by case basis. We recommend you speak to one of our experienced Claremont dentists to determine your dental needs and expectations, so that we can discuss options and costs tailored to you.
  2. What treatments are classed as cosmetic dentistry? Cosmetic dentistry includes the following treatments: teeth whitening, gum contouring, straightening of teeth with braces or clear aligners such as Invisalign, porcelain or composite veneers, dental crowns and replacement of missing teeth for cosmetic reasons.
  3. Will I get anything back from my health fund on cosmetic dentistry treatments? Yes, most people do get a rebate back from their private health insurance provider. You may want to check the fine print of your policy, as some treatments are classed as major dental. If you are thinking of having cosmetic dentistry treatment done, it could be helpful to check what is covered with your health fund and discuss any changes you may want to make. Generally, most health funds don’t cover a lot of the cost for teeth whitening. All health funds are different, and also policies vary considerably, so it’s best to look into yours.
  4. Will it hurt? Pain is a top concern for most of our dental patients. At our Claremont dental clinic, we aim to provide the best quality treatment with minimal discomfort. We recommend to discuss any needs or concerns you may have prior to starting your treatment. And don’t worry, our team won’t judge you, even the smallest concern is something we want to know about if it means we can do something to make the process more pleasant for you. For the most part, we would let you know if there is any discomfort to be expected. Most treatments are performed with local anaesthetic, to minimise any pain. There are also a few other options we can offer if you have a dental phobia or a dental fear. Please let our team know so we can help you to feel at ease.
  5. How long will my cosmetic dentistry treatment last? This will vary depending on what treatment you end up doing. If you whiten your teeth, this isn’t permanent, so you may need to top up your whitening every few months at home. We explain this to all of our patients and provide them with take home trays and inform them on what to do. If you have veneers, these usually last between 6-10 years depending on which type you have, and crowns generally last 6-10 years. Dental implants don’t usually need replacement within a person’s lifetime, but the crowns on top will last approximately 10-15 years. Teeth straightening will usually last for a lifetime, if you are sure to wear your retainers every night to keep your teeth in position.

Do you still have more questions? Or perhaps you’re ready to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced and gentle Claremont dentists? If so, call us on 6143 5655. You can also book online at your convenience right here.

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