sleep dentistry claremont dental Perth dentist cosmetic dentistry Claremont

Sleep dentistry – what is it?

Have you heard of sleep dentistry?

Sleep dentistry is completing dental treatment while the patient is ‘asleep’. You aren’t exactly sleeping as such, but you are in a semi-conscious state. This means that when you ‘wake up’ all your dental work will be completed. Sleep dentistry is also known as IV sedation or twilight sedation.

How does it work?

There are specifically trained doctors and dentists who are certified to put you ‘to sleep’. They are there during the appointment to sedate you, monitor your vital signs during the treatment, and also wake you up safely at the end.

Who is it for?

Sleep dentistry is ideal for those who just don’t want to be awake during their dental treatment. This might be people who require a lot of complex treatment, or those who experience dental anxiety or have a dental phobia. This way patients can still ensure their teeth are healthy and in good condition without experiencing any anxiety or fear.

What is the cost?

Most of the trained doctors or dentists we work with will charge separate to the cost of your dental work. They usually charge per hour of sedation, so the cost will depend on how long it will take for your dental work to be completed. A portion of the cost is sometimes covered by Medicare.

How can I find out if I can have Sleep dentistry?

The best way to find out if you would be a good candidate for sleep dentistry is to first speak with your dentist. You should have a thorough dental examination to determine what dental work you require. Medically, you must also be fit and healthy enough to go ahead with the sedation for your own safety.

How do I find out more?

It’s best to consult with your dentist to see if they offer Sleep dentistry. We offer Sleep dentistry to patients at our Claremont dental clinic. You can call our friendly team on 6143 5655 or book online here anytime.

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