covid-19 dental practice closure Perth dentist Claremont dental clinic

Re-opening of the WA border: what does it mean for you?

As most of you will know, the WA border re-opened as of Friday 13 November, 2020.

At our Claremont dental practice, the safety of our patients, team, and the wider community is of utmost importance. This is why we have been keeping up to date with the latest recommendations from both the Australian Dental Association, the Dental Board, and the Western Australian and Australian Governments.

We have therefore adhered to the following protocols since the beginning of the pandemic until now, and with the borders re-opening, we will continue to do so.

  1. All patients will be asked to use an alcohol based hand rub upon entry to the practice.
  2. All patients are being asked a questionnaire regarding their interstate travel and/or possible contact with anyone that has been diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to attending their appointment. 
  3. We ask that any patients who have flu-like symptoms reschedule their dental visit for a minimum of 2 weeks.
  4. Our team is conducting swabbing and disinfection of common areas and high touch areas such as door handles, light switches, reception desk, pens, HICAPS machine and other common surfaces three times a day.
  5. Use of mouthwash prior to starting treatment for all patients, to reduce bacteria and viral load that could be distributed by aerosols during dental procedures.
  6. We currently have sufficient supply of ASTM Level 2 masks for all patient appointments which will be used by all staff, on a single use basis. Each mask is changed for each new patient that we see.
  7. We provide access to alcohol based hand rub in the waiting area for all patients to access.
  8. All team members have been trained and adhere to proper hand hygiene standards as seen here.
  9. All magazines have been removed from the waiting room as they cannot be cleaned.
  10. We have switched to the use of disposable coffee cups for all patients and team members.
  11. We would kindly request that accompanying persons are kept to a minimum where possible.

Do you have more questions? We would love to set your mind at ease! Please call our friendly team on 6143 5655.

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