top 3 tips for healthy gums dentist Claremont Perth dentistry

Our top tips for healthy gums

Your gums are the foundations for your teeth, and hold them in. It makes sense then, that they need as much care as our teeth do. After all, if our gums are in poor condition, the teeth may inevitably be lost too.

In this blog post, here are our top 3 tips for how you can keep your gums healthy:

1. Clean in between your teeth every day (preferably before bed). Nowadays, there are many different options for interdental cleaning. We recommend you try them out to find out which suit you best, as it often comes down to personal preference. The best option for you is the one that you can keep doing every day. In no particular order, these are some great products you can try to effectively clean in between your teeth: dental floss or tape (our favourite is the Oral B Glide Pro Health floss), interdental brushes (we like the Pikster brand, but it’s best to speak to your dentist or dental hygienist to get the right size match for your mouth), floss picks, or a water flosser.

2. Get your teeth cleaned professionally every 6 months. We recommend this because when you have your teeth professionally cleaned, it removes hardened bacteria build up (commonly known as tartar). You can’t clean this off yourself as it hardens on to your teeth like cement. If it’s left for too long on your teeth, it attracts more plaque and gets larger, which can start a vicious cycle of inflamed gums, which can also lead to bone loss and eventually premature loss of your tooth or teeth.

3. Brush, brush brush! Mechanical cleaning (brushing and flossing), has been shown to be the most effective way to remove the bacteria that causes tooth decay and gum disease. Get your brushing skills up by discussing your technique with your dental professional. Better yet, level up and use an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes have some amazing features these days, including pressure sensors and even evaluating your brushing effectiveness. There’s no way you can slack off with your toothbrushing this way! Electric toothbrushes can help to remove more plaque, keeping your teeth and gums healthy. We love Oral-B electric toothbrushes as there is a range of brushes for any budget, and they are reliable and durable.

Do you have questions about your gum health? Our qualified and experienced Claremont dentists would love to speak to you! Please contact our friendly Claremont dental team on 6143 5655 or book online right here.

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