teeth whitening without sensitivity Claremont dental Perth cosmetic dentistry

Our top 3 tips on how you can whiten your teeth without pain and sensitivity

Whitening your teeth can improve the colour and appearance of your smile. A common concern we have from patients is the tooth sensitivity that can often accompany teeth whitening procedures. No one wants to be in pain, even if it means you have whiter teeth. So what can be done to prevent tooth sensitivity related to teeth whitening procedures? Read on as we share our top tips to counteract this side effect, so you can have whiter teeth WITHOUT the discomfort.

  1. Discuss with your dentist if you have any risk factors that might increase sensitivity of your teeth. Examples are exposed root surfaces, exposed dentine surfaces, tooth decay areas or cracks in your teeth. It may be helpful to discuss if there are precautions that can be made to protect these areas so the affected teeth don’t become sensitive during whitening.
  2. Use a sensitive toothpaste for 2 weeks prior to whitening your teeth and during the whitening process. We recommend Sensodyne, or Colgate Sensitive toothpastes. You can also use Tooth Mousse or Tooth Mousse Plus twice daily. Not only will it help with sensitivity, but it will also help to protect your teeth against tooth decay.
  3. Consider a take home whitening method rather than an in chair whitening method. The take home whitening method is more self directed. This means if you find your teeth do get a bit sensitive, you can skip a day and take the process more slowly if you need to. If you do decide to go with the in chair whitening method, it can be helpful to take some pain medication such as Paracetomol or Ibuprofen 1 hour prior to your appointment. You may choose to take some a few hours later as well.

Do you have questions about which teeth whitening method is best for you? Our friendly Claremont dental team would love to discuss your dental care in a relaxed and caring environment. Please call us now on 6143 5655, or alternatively, you can book online here.


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