is vaping bad for you Claremont dental Perth cosmetic dentistry

Is vaping bad for you?

Vapes, also known as e-cigarettes have fast gained popularity as an ‘alternative’ to cigarette smoking. Estimates done in 2023 indicate that approximately 1.2% of Australians vape (Source: Australian Dental Association). Unfortunately the majority of these people are young people or those who have never smoked before. The appealing range of flavours and colourful packaging have created an image that associates vaping with being ‘fun’, hence its popularity amongst teenagers and young people.

Unfortunately, whilst a lot more research is required to find out the health effects of vaping, we do know there are some detrimental effects to vaping, and many are similar to that of cigarette smoking.

Here are the reasons why vaping can be bad for your health:

  1. The majority of vape fluids contain nicotine, which is the same as what is found in cigarettes. Nicotine is addictive and it can have a negative effect on the developing brain.
  2. It can cause lung damage and/or injury, and death.
  3. It can cause oral cancer and gum disease in the same way that smoking cigarettes does.
  4. Vape fluid contains harmful chemicals which can irritate the lung and cause cancer.

Due to these reasons, vaping cannot be considered a ‘safer’ alternative to smoking cigarettes. As health professionals, our Claremont dentists cannot recommend vaping as a better option for those wishing to quit smoking. Instead, we would recommend you speak to your General Practitioner to discuss options to assist you in quitting smoking. Smoking and vaping have been shown to be associated with increased risk of oral cancer. If you have smoked for several years (even if you quit a long time ago), we would recommend you continue to see your dentist every 6 months as they can conduct a screening for any oral cancer risk factors during your dental checkup.

To organise a consultation at our Claremont dental clinic, simply call us on 6143 5655. You can also book an appointment with our Claremont dentists using this booking portal.

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