Invisalign – your top questions answered

Invisalign is a revolutionary system that uses clear aligners to straighten teeth. There are now more than 27 systems of clear aligners to straighten teeth, but Invisalign was the very first, and still is the most popular.

Invisalign has become extremely popular due to the following benefits:

  1. They are clear so it is less obvious to others that you are straightening your teeth
  2. They are removable so you can still eat foods and drinks that you like
  3. Similar results and treatment time to conventional metal braces

If you are considering Invisalign treatment, you may want to read through the following top questions regarding Invisalign treatment at our Claremont dental practice.

How much does Invisalign cost?

Cost will of course vary depending on the degree of difficulty of the treatment. We offer the following packages with pricing available here.

Please be wary of those offering prices that seem ‘too good to be true’. Unfortunately another local Claremont dental practice was offering specials for Invisalign, and it was later found that the aligners were being manufactured in India.

How long does it take to straighten your teeth with Invisalign?

Treatment time again varies depending on what teeth need moving and in what way. Generally treatment time ranges from 6 months – 2 years. Most Invisalign treatment would take approximately 18 months.

If your teeth are turned, or you need to have teeth removed to create space, your treatment may take longer than the average time.

Is Invisalign as good as regular braces?

Yes and no! It is certainly true that some people’s teeth can be moved quicker and more efficiently by regular braces. Whilst some others will move equally as effectively with Invisalign. In short, it really depends on the individual’s teeth. This is why it is best to have an obligation-free consultation to first determine if your teeth would be best straightened with Invisalign or regular braces.

How painful is Invisalign?

I haven’t had Invisalign myself personally, but one of our team members, Jayjay, has had both regular braces and Invisalign. You can read more about her story here. She feels that normal braces were definitely more painful in her experience.

Do you have some before and after photos of patients you have treated?

Sure do! Enjoy!

dentist Perth Invisalign Claremont dental

Perth Invisalign Claremont dental

If you would like to find out more about Invisalign, call us on 6143 5655 to book your complimentary consultation today!



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