coronavirus update dental practice Perth Claremont dental clinic

Important Coronavirus Update 2

As at 23 March 2020, the Australian Dental Association has issued a directive recommending some changes to the way we practise due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As you know, we have implemented precautions to protect our patients and our team when this pandemic began. We will continue to implement the same procedures, but we have been advised to take the following further action: (Updated as at 23 March 2020)

  1. All patients will be asked to use an alcohol based hand rub upon entry to the practice.
  2. All patients will be asked to wash their hands with soap and water upon entry to the treatment room for 40-60 seconds.
  3. All patients will be asked to use a pre-procedural mouth rinse of 1% Hydrogen Peroxide, 0.2% Povidine Iodine or 0.2% Chlorhexidine for 30 seconds.
  4. All procedures that require the use of a high speed handpiece will need to be performed under rubber dam. Examples of such procedures include, but are not limited to: fillings, crowns, ceramic fillings, placement of Invisalign attachments, adjustments to fillings or crowns, all stages of root canal procedures. A rubber dam is a thin sheet of rubber that acts like a barrier between the rest of the patient’s mouth, and the tooth/teeth being operated on.
  5. Scale and cleans will be performed with hand instruments only.
  6. High speed evacuation will be used for all procedures.
  7. Any surgical extractions will need to be referred to an Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon.
  8. Elective implant treatment will be delayed.

The following precautions that have already been implemented will continue: (Updated as at 23 March 2020)

  1. All patients are being asked a questionnaire regarding their overseas travel and/or possible contact with anyone that has been diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to attending their appointment. We would like to make it clear that patients that have travelled overseas in the past 14 days will have their appointments rescheduled for a minimum of 2 weeks.
  2. We ask that any patients who have flu-like symptoms reschedule their dental visit for a minimum of 2 weeks.
  3. Our team is conducting swabbing and disinfection of common areas and high touch areas such as door handles, light switches, reception desk, pens, HICAPS machine and other common surfaces three times a day.
  4. Use of mouthwash prior to starting treatment for all patients, to reduce bacteria and viral load that could be distributed by aerosols during dental procedures.
  5. We currently have sufficient supply of ASTM Level 2 masks for all patient appointments which will be used by all staff, on a single use basis. Each mask is changed for each new patient that we see.
  6. We provide access to alcohol based hand rub in the waiting area for all patients to access.
  7. All team members have been trained and adhere to proper hand hygiene standards as seen here.
  8. All magazines have been removed from the waiting room as they cannot be cleaned.
  9. We have switched to the use of disposable coffee cups for all patients and team members.
  10. We will log a record of ALL visitors to the practice including dental company reps, accompanying family and/or friends and delivery persons.

During this concerning time, we want to do all we can to ensure our patients and team is safe, and we are doing what we can to avoid transmission of this highly contagious virus. If you are unwell, please seek appropriate help. Guidelines and advice for COVID-19 from the West Australian Government can be found at:

Even though we have new guidelines that we need to operate under, we will still endeavour to keep patient treatment and service to the highest standard. Keeping our patients and team safe is of utmost importance to us at this time. Should you feel concerned about your upcoming or planned treatment, our team is more than happy to discuss this with you and answer any questions you may have.

We will continue to update further as the situation changes.

If you have any further queries, feel free to call on 6143 5655 or email to:,au

Please stay safe, and hopefully we can all come out of this stronger.  

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