cavities in children

Cavities are contagious!

Did you know you can give tooth decay to your baby?

Research shows that cavities are contagious


Did you know that cavity-causing bacteria is transmissable? This means that it can be spread from person to person e.g. from mother to baby.

You may have seen mothers test the temperature of food for their children by putting it in their mouth first. If you have active decay on your teeth, and the presence of cavity causing bacteria, doing something that seems as harmless as this can actually mean your baby then has cavity causing bacteria in their mouth too. They could then have dental decay affecting their teeth.

The best thing you can do as a mother is to have your teeth checked and any decay areas cleaned and filled. After all, you are the best role model for your child. If you have a healthy mouth and have good oral health habits, you can pass this onto your child so that they can have the healthiest mouth possible.

It starts with you!

Four handy tips to remember…

  1. If you are planning on getting pregnant, it may be a good time see your dentist or oral hygienist, to minimise your risk of gum disease.
  2. Avoid unnecessary exposure of X-rays to your baby by having them (if necessary) before pregnancy.
  3. If your gums are red and bleed easily when brushing your teeth, don’t spread that cavity causing bacteria to your baby. This is a sign to see your dentist!
  4. If your family’s toothbrushes are stored together, make sure the toothbrush bristles don’t touch each other – this reduces the risk of germs travelling between brushes and into your child’s mouths.

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