beautiful smiles ageing dentist Claremont cosmetic dentistry Perth

How to achieve a beautiful smile at any age

At Dental Quarters, we believe that age should not be a barrier to any of our clients having a beautiful smile. We see a whole range of patients from babies to older people at our Claremont dental practice. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to achieve their dream smile, at any age.

In fact, the great news is that there isn’t really any age limit to most dental treatments. Here are our top 6 tips on how you can achieve a beautiful smile at any age.


  1. See your dentist 6 monthly for dental checkups and cleans. Maintaining a healthy mouth will help to keep your entire body healthy as well. At your visits, we encourage you to discuss any concerns you may have regarding the appearance of your teeth. Some common issues our clients discuss with us are crowded teeth, discoloured teeth or misshapen teeth.
  2. Get any discoloured/darkened fillings on your front teeth replaced. Over time, tooth coloured fillings can take on staining from food or drinks. This can make them appear ‘yellow’ or ‘brown’ and make them more apparent to the naked eye. This problem can easily fixed by replacement if these fillings with new fillings to match the existing shade of your teeth. If you are considering this treatment, it may also be beneficial to whiten your teeth beforehand as this means the new fillings can be made to match a lighter tooth colour. As with all dental fillings, the shade cannot be changed if you whiten your teeth afterwards, so we recommend to do this first.
  3. Teeth whitening can drastically change your smile and even your whole face. Having lighter and bright teeth is associated with beauty. Our teeth tend to get darker as we get older, so having lighter teeth is also seen to be more ‘youthful’.
  4. Consider treatment for shortened or misshapen teeth. Worn or misshapen teeth tend to age a smile, so restoring length and a more aesthetic tooth shape can improve the beauty and youthfulness of a smile. Discussing cosmetic dental work such as veneers can help to improve short or poorly shaped teeth.
  5. Straighten crooked teeth or close gaps. There’s no age limit to straightening teeth. Teeth straightening can help to fix crooked teeth, poorly aligned teeth and also close gaps between the teeth. A wider smile with teeth evenly placed can change the appearance of your whole face. The smile is something the majority of people notice first about a person, so investing in teeth straightening such as Invisalign clear aligners can make the world of difference.
  6. Replace any missing teeth causing gaps in your smile. A missing tooth can look terrible in photos, and make most people self-conscious. The great news is that most gaps can be filled now with dental implants, which are the closest thing to giving you back a whole new tooth. They are great options if you have one or more teeth missing, and are so realistic most people wouldn’t know they weren’t a natural tooth.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to call our friendly Claremont dental team on 6143 5655. You can even book an appointment directly with our Claremont dentists online to discuss a bespoke plan to achieving a beautiful smile here.

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