gaps between teeth what to do dentist Claremont cosmetic dentistry Perth Claremont dental

Do you hate the gaps between your teeth?

Gaps between your teeth (also known in the dental world as diastemas), are spaces that occur naturally. There can be a number of reasons for these gaps, such as excess space, hereditary factors, or large frenal attachments causing spaces. Just to explain that last one, a frenum is the bit of gum between your two front teeth that attaches your gum to your top lip. In some instances, if you happen to have a large one, it creates a space between your teeth.

If you hate the gaps between your teeth and want to do something about them, what are your options?

  1. Teeth straightening – this is a really effective way to close spaces, as it moves your teeth so that they meet together. You could consider Invisalign clear aligners or braces.
  2. Veneers – veneers are a great way to disguise the gaps by adding either tooth coloured filling material (known as direct veneers or composite veneers), or porcelain (known as indirect or porcelain veneers) to close the spaces. Often if you have spaces between your teeth, you won’t need any teeth re-shaped as you need to add to your teeth, not take anything away. This makes the veneer process very conservative. Direct (or composite) veneers are more affordable and can be completed in one appointment. Indirect (or porcelain) veneers are hand-crafted to fit your teeth by a dental technician and usually take two visits to complete. You may need to have temporary veneers placed whilst you wait for your final veneers to be finished. To find out more information about veneers, take a read here
  3. Do nothing! At one time, there were several top fashion models who had gaps between their teeth, which set then apart from others! Embrace what makes you you!

Do you have more questions? Feel free to call us on 6143 5655 to book a consultation appointment with one of our Claremont dentist today. Alternatively, book online at a time that suits you instantly here.

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