Dental implants – are they worth the cost?

Dental implants are one of the more costly dental treatments around these days. They have been an excellent option for the replacement of one or more missing teeth since the first implant was pioneered by Per-Ingvar Branemark.

1 in 25 Australians aged 15 years or older have no natural teeth. Previously, most people with missing teeth had a removal denture made. Dentures have become unpopular as they can be uncomfortable, hard to eat with and unaesthetic.

Dental implants are fixed replacements for missing teeth which don’t require treatment on any of the adjacent teeth. They consist of 3 parts, the titanium screw which integrates to the jawbone (replacing the tooth root), the abutment which connects the screw and the crown, and the crown (which looks like a tooth).

dental implants cost perth dentist Claremont dental

Pros of Dental Implants

  1. Doesn’t require any treatment to adjacent teeth
  2. Good long term longevity – usually doesn’t require re-treatment in a lifetime
  3. Feels and looks like having a natural tooth

Cons of Dental Implants

  1. The whole process from start to finish can take a minimum of 3-6 months depending on difficulty
  2. Costly – the price of a dental implant from start to finish can range from $5000-$6000 per tooth
  3. Requires surgery, which means there is risk of infection and potential complications associated with this

Process of having a Dental Implant

  1. Preliminary assessment to determine if a dental implant can be done. This usually consists of full mouth (OPG) x-ray and a 3D x-ray (Cone Beam CT). You may also need impressions done of your mouth to help plan your case. Your dentist will need to check if you have enough good quality bone and enough space to place a dental implant properly.
  2. Surgical phase: your dental implant will be placed at this stage. This is done in a sterile field. Most of our patients have it done in the dental chair, but some people do opt for sedation for this stage.
  3. Review implant placement and wait for healing. This stage usually takes 3 months.
  4. Once the implant is stabilised, the crown can be made to fit over it. This usually takes about 2 weeks.

So, would dental implants be worth the cost for you? Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is your age? The younger the patient, the better the prognosis. You’ll also get a lot more ‘lifespan’ from your dental implant. Please note that dental implants are not usually suitable for teenagers as they are still growing.
  2. What is your oral health like? The healthier the mouth, the better longevity of the dental implant. If you have other serious dental problems, you may need to get them fixed first so that it doesn’t jeopardise the success of a dental implant.
  3. What is your general health like? The healthier you are, and if you are a non-smoker, the more likely a dental implant will be successful.
To schedule an appointment to find out if you would be suitable for a dental implant, call us now on 6143 5655 or book online here

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