patient starting invisalign dentistry journey

Claudia’s Invisalign Teeth Straightening Journey – Update 1

Claudia’s Invisalign Teeth Straightening Journey – Update 1

Our superstar head nurse here at Dental Quarters Claremont, Claudia, has officially started her Invisalign treatment, and she couldn’t be more excited! If you haven’t heard of Invisalign teeth clear aligners, you can find out more in this link right here. We answer questions on Invisalign dentistry such as what is Invisalign, how much does Invisalign cost, how does Invisalign work, and the benefits of Invisalign treatment.

You might also be wondering how long does Invisalign treatment take? Claudia’s treatment is on the higher complexity end of the scale, so her treatment will take approximately 18 months to complete. Of course, each patient we see at our Claremont dental practice undergoes a thorough consultation and planning process. This helps us to determine what treatment will be necessary to address the concerns you have about your teeth. We can also do a complimentary 3D scan to explain the treatment necessary and even show you a before and after simulation. Once this preparatory work has been done, we can give you a more accurate idea of how Invisalign treatment will take.

Claudia has decided to document her journey for those of you who would like some specific advice from someone who is going through the treatment. She also shares some top tips to help you ease into treatment and hopefully make it easier for you.

You can watch her update here:


Claudia shares her best advice on invisalign dentistry and how to get the most out of it

– Claudia’s had the aligners in for 1 night

– She had to have a tooth removed to make enough space to straighten her teeth

– She shows you what the attachments (buttons on the teeth to help them move) look like

– She has a slight lisp but this should only last a short time

– It was a bit sore to wear the aligners at first, but taking some Panadol helped with the discomfort

– The aligners aren’t very noticeable when she has them in her mouth

Do you have more questions? You can call our friendly team based in the heart of Claremont, and even ask to speak with Claudia personally on 61435655 or book online this link.

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