teeth whitening Perth dentist cosmetic dentistry Claremont dental

At home teeth whitening kits – how do they work?

Everybody wants to have a white, bright smile. It’s associated with youth, happiness and vibrance.

At home teeth whitening kits can be a cheaper and simpler option for some people. At home kits enable people to whiten their teeth in the comfort of their own home and at their leisure. You can also whiten your teeth whenever you feel necessary (after the initial treatment time of 2 weeks). If you have sensitive teeth you can also shorten the treatment time which often helps.

How does it work?

  1. We take moulds of your teeth and make custom-made trays which will hold the whitening gel safely over your teeth during the whitening process. This is important, because ill-fitting trays may not hold the gel safely in the correct place, which could result in gel getting on your gums which can be dangerous and painful.
  2. Once your trays are ready to collect, we will show you how to apply the whitening gel properly and how often to whiten your teeth. We will also take photos and record the initial shade of your teeth.
  3. We usually recommend a 2 week treatment time, where you whiten your teeth once a day for 2 weeks. For most people, this is sufficient time to whiten their teeth to a shade they are happy with. Those with very dark teeth may need to whiten for a longer period.
  4. Top up your whitening when you feel necessary. Times will vary between people, but generally you may notice your teeth shade may darken slightly after about 3 months. At this time, you may wish to whiten your teeth for a couple of days (or whenever happy) to get them back to their initial shade.

Generally, at home whitening is about half the cost of in chair whitening, so it can be a good option if you have a tighter budget. Obviously it may take a bit longer to get your teeth looking whiter, but end results are usually fairly similar.

What are the side effects?

As with all teeth whitening procedures, there can be side effects which you should know about.

  1. Teeth sensitivity. Your teeth will generally feel more sensitive to hot, cold or touch whilst you are whitening your teeth and sometimes for a few days afterwards. This is usually just temp0rary, and goes away after a few days. You can use sensitive toothpaste or Tooth Mousse (available for purchase from the practice) to help counteract this if it is a problem for you. It is also strongly recommended to have your teeth checked and any relevant treatment completed e.g. fillings prior to whitening your teeth. If you have active decay or a cracked/broken tooth, whitening these affected teeth can cause pain.
  2. Accidental burning of gums. If any gel contacts your gum, it can cause a burn. This is usually very mild and has no lasting effects. We always make sure your trays fit properly to prevent this. It is also important not to put too much gel in the tray as it can subsequently ooze out. Placing bicarbonate of soda on any affected areas usually reverses the reaction.
  3. Unfortunately no teeth whitening procedure is permanent, so you will need to top up the whitening every few months to maintain the shade.
  4. It is important to know that if you have had dental work on your front teeth such as fillings, crowns or veneers, these will be unaffected by the whitening procedure. After whitening your teeth any fillings, crowns or veneers may look darker and could need replacement to match the new shade of your teeth. You can discuss options with your dentist prior to starting teeth whitening.

Will it damage your teeth?

If you follow the proper instructions for whitening duration and treatment time, you should not cause any damage to your teeth. It’s strongly recommended to follow the instructions given for use of the whitening gel according to the manufacturers’ instructions.

Do you have any more questions about teeth whitening? We would be happy to discuss things further at a consultation appointment. Call us on 6143 5655 or book online here.

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