Affordable cosmetic dentistry options to suit any budget

Having a beautiful smile doesn’t have to be reserved for the rich and famous. In this blog post, we will share affordable options that suit any budget. Here they are, from cheapest to more expensive:

  1. Have your teeth cleaned! This may seem simple, but who doesn’t love the fresh, smooth feeling of shiny teeth after they have been cleaned? But it’s not just the great feeling afterwards, having your teeth professionally cleaned removes stains on the external surfaces of your teeth (I’m looking at you, coffee, tea and wine drinkers!), which helps your teeth to look whiter and brighter! Cost: approximately $100 (less if you have private health insurance)
  2. Have your teeth whitened professionally. There’s nothing that doesn’t spell summer more than whiter teeth! Whitening is a simple and effective way to really improve your smile. Cost: Home whitening is approximately $600, and in chair whitening is approximately $1200.

    affordable cosmetic dentistry Claremont dental Perth dentist smile makeover

    In chair teeth whitening result from our actual patient at our Claremont dental practice.

  3. Have discoloured, crooked or shortened teeth rebuilt with composite veneers. These veneers are placed on your teeth in one visit, so there’s absolutely no wait time; you will leave with a beautiful new smile! Cost: approximately $300 per tooth. Usually most patients will have 6 front teeth treated, but this will vary on an individual basis.

    affordable cosmetic dentistry Claremont dental Perth dentist invisalign

    Actual result of composite veneers for our actual patient done at our Claremont dental climic.

  4. Have your teeth straightened with Invisalign clear aligners. With clear aligners, you can have beautiful straight teeth without it being obvious to others, and with minimal disruption to your lifestyle. Depending on your teeth, treatment time can vary from 6 months to 2 years. Cost: ranges from $5999-$7699. Find out more about Invisalign here.

    cosmetic dentistry Claremont Perth dentist Invisalign teeth straightening

    Invisalign clear aligner treatment result for our actual patient at our Claremont cosmetic dental practice, with a total treatment time of 6 months.

Do you have more questions? Feel free to call us on 6143 5655 or book a consultation anytime online here.

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